This chart is draw up for Saturday during a 5 day event. I figure this will be the big day.
Transiting Mars EXACTLY conjunct natal Mercury. And opposing natal Saturn, trine natal Uranus.
So the energy of Mars highlights his most important characteristic.
Transiting Sun is trine natal Jupiter, and transiting Jupiter is trine natal Venus.
These are very good aspects for anyone.
Transiting Sun is almost conjunct transiting Jupiter, in fruitful Taurus, close to Dr. Paul's Moon.
(This is NOT his official birthtime, as we don't know it. However it works SO WELL that I have been using it. But that means his Moon especially could be a few degrees off .)
Then there are a bunch of lesser aspects to notice.
Transiting Mercury exactly trine natal Sun.
Transiting Venus exactly square natal Venus.
And as the day continues the transiting Moon crosses that notable Mars Jupiter conjunction, currently magnified by the long Progressed Sun conjunction that gives Dr. Paul so much energy.
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