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WOW! What was a surprise! Ron Paul just won the straw poll at the prestigious CPAC annual meeting in Washington DC. The headlines said he won 31%, easily beating Mit Romney previous winner 3 years in a row (22%) and Sarah Palin (7%). So of course I wanted to take a look.
No ones knows the time of birth for Ron Paul, so we don't know the exact degree, but the Moon is 14 to 26 Taurus. And this unexpected win happened while Moon was in Taurus.
Today the strongest aspects are transiting Neptune and Chiron EXACTLY opposition his Sun. YOU, Sun in Leo, you who have spoken such brave words to power, have been chosen to represent a chunk of the idealistic mass craving healing of this broken system.
He also has transiting Jupiter (good fortune) EXACTLY conjunct his natal Saturn (hard work) which is always EXACTLY opposition Mercury (how we think and communicate). This exact opposition is helped out by aspects from Uranus at 5 Taurus in his natal chart. Unique, independent, marches to a different drum: add a little Jupiter, and wa la, he becomes a trendsetter. His life long attempts to communicate his core values have won him great honor today.
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