Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spring March - June astrology transits

VIDEO Spring March - June transits

Mars turns direct, and not a moment too soon!
As soon as it turns direct it forms a wonderful helpful aspect to Saturn.  Don't let all that drive dissipate, look for ways to make it more productive. Saturn can help you focus your intention.

April is full to overflowing with the latest round in Saturn Uranus opposition. Notice how the labels are falling off. Who is conservative and about which issues? Who is really the radical now? Is that a wise course of action, or must we move fast and faster, not enough time to make carefully thought out choices?

June finds Jupiter racing through the tail end of Pisces, leaping headlong into the fire to join Uranus entry into Aries.
Just for a teeny little bit; then they both back up into the water, to cool down again.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Astrology of RuPaul

Click on any chart for a clearer view
RuPaul! How nice to see you again, you are looking fabuloso, if I may say.
New Moon in Scorpio. Cancer rising. Mars is co-ruler of Scorpio, the Moon rules Cancer. Mars is conjunct the ascendant, and trines Moon. OOOH la la, so many changes to make, so much to explore - in depth.

Saturn is so prominent, conjunct the descendant, opposing Mars, sextile Moon. Strong and dominant in it's own sign, comfortable in the 7th house.  "I will stand up for sissies everywhere'

Of course, WE see the ascendant, but RuPaul is deeply deeply Scorpio, so no one knows the many depths and layers, we only see what he wants us to see.  Strongly placed in the 5th house, Sun is EXACTLY square Uranus demanding liberty, AND square Chiron demanding inner healing. I love seeing how well you have used that mysterious Mercury conjunct Neptune, known for wild imagination and excess, here in Scorpio, the sexiest sign. And of course, Venus conjunct Jupiter, the favorite of artists across time.  In Capricorn, not exactly playful, but yet, it is fun and funny if everyone is WORKING TOGETHER. Love to work, love to work with people who will get down to business and WORK!

I took a look at the charts for the 1st show of "RuPaul's Drag Race Feb 2, 2009. WHEW, wow ee zow ee. Progressed Sun and Mercury just recently came over the line of the horizon for the first time ever, often a big
jolting outward real life event.
Progressed Sun and Mercury are EXACTLY conjunct your natal Saturn, 
also a once in a life time event. 
But wow does that emphasize how difficult this show was for you to pull off, Mr. OverAchiever. AND transiting Pluto was conjunct your Venus/Jupiter!
What is that old Scorpio slogan? Oh yes
Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible
Miguel de Unamuno

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Dakota Fanning: Astrology of a Pisces artist

Oh Pisces girl!
Dakota Fanning has Sun EXACTLY conjunct Saturn in the sign of Pisces. Venus makes three, a lot of Pisces energy.
The dreamer, soft, sensual, intuitive, compassionate.
Saturn adds RESPONSIBILITY.  Hard work is to be expected.
The major aspect we see here is a bunch of MUTABLE oppositions, all to Chiron. With so many roads, how to choose which one to take CAN become a major energy drain. 
Thankfully she has some very different aspects also.

Mercury is EXACTLY square Pluto/nNode. I don't look at the
nNode all the time, but couldn't quite feel this fixed energy pattern until I added it to the mix. She could feel COMPELLED to choose a certain path, no matter if it suits her gentle Pisces sensibilities.

The Moon is trine to Pluto/nNode.
[for techies: This aspect is called seperating out of sign. It is not as potent as it would have been a few hours earlier, when the Moon was in Cancer, because the Moon is quickly moving away from the exact trine it made when it was at 28 degrees Cancer. Pluto is in water you would expect a trine to be in water, but the Moon has in the past few hours moved into early Leo.]  But the only other aspects the Moon makes are close inconjuncts (inharmonious) to the Sun/Saturn. So, we'll take this Moon/ Pluto trine as a very major aspect indeed. Cheerful and warm, the crowd loves her. Her response (Moon) comes with such depth (Pluto), so easily (trine) it is so easy to believe her.  Isn't that the definition of acting?

With Taurus rising Venus is her ruling planet. Venus makes an EXACT trine to Jupiter, so common in the charts of successful artists. In this case it is in water, emotional and possibly impulsive. Loving creature comforts, unless the Pisces guilt sets in. Bountiful princess, dreamer of glorious dreams, the world is at your command.
Click on any chart for a clearer view

Monday, February 22, 2010

Johnny Cash astrology chart using Kepler 7

Click on any chart for a clearer view 

Johnny Cash astrology video on youtube 
 I love the visual parts of astrology, especially the patterns the aspects make. This chart shows why I am having such a great time with Kepler 7. When I got this latest update, it was because I finally got a new computer and Windows 7. Turns out I had been using Kepler 5 for eight years! The new one is such an improvement, I play every day.

Please notice how much easier it is to read because this program allows me to eliminate the minutes, placing the attention where it is important, the degrees. Notice how much easier it is to see which aspects are more important, because the program allowed me to choose which aspects I wanted, and vary the width of the lines to show the strongest ones. Save the chart as a jpg, or gif, or many other choices. Thanks to KEPLER! Thank you.

This is the birthchart of Johnny Cash, AstroDataBank rated "from memory". Here the colors of the planets represent the elements: red fire, yellow/tan air, green earth, blue water. One air planet - Saturn, strong in it's own sign and house, representing the requirement to communicate no matter what it took. Sun Mercury Mars looking for the innermost path in Pisces, which is made even less worldly in the 12th house. All the Pisces planets are conjunct, and all three oppose the ruler of Pisces and the 12th house, Neptune. 
A teeter totter. Balanced on 2 more aspect sets.

Venus conjunct Uranus trine Jupiter. 
Chiron sextile Pluto. 
All 5 of these are within a few degrees and create a bigger picture.  The slightest shift of the supports sending the teeter totter on it's way. 
Me/Not me. 
Urgent intuitive love/ revolutionary/ grandiose.  
Easy path/ Or pain and hopeless demands
Insecurity required/ faithful tenacity desired. 
All of this massive inner life 
rendered in full color on the BIG screen of God's world, 
with /or without popcorn. 

A new album is being released this week: Ain't No Grave. 
I'm sure we won't have to wait long to hear it.

Ron Paul Astrology: Looking at November 2012

Click on any chart for better view 

Video: Ron Paul Election Day 2012 

I've heard from so many people re: Ron Paul Video of the CPAC strawpoll win who all want to know the same thing: WHAT DOES NOVEMBER LOOK LIKE? OK, OK already, I'm looking.

We already talked about his natal Mercury/ Saturn opposition which is helped by aspects to natal Uranus. This was the important aspect we just looked at, because transiting Jupiter was EXACTLY conjunct natal Saturn for the CPAC win. Election day November 6, 2012 shows transiting Chiron occupying that same place, and EXACTLY  aspecting Uranus at 5 degrees Taurus. Moon is in Leo all day, but for part of the day it creates a fire grand trine with transiting Uranus 5 Aries and transiting Mercury at 4 Sag, thus triple triggering Ron Paul's natal Uranus.  Since Uranus can rule upsets, the unexpected, even revolution, this is quite significant.

Natal Uranus is always trine his natal Mercury, and they form a fascinating pattern in the sky for a lot longer than just election day. Transiting Pluto is already creating a grand trine, which is exact on and off for the next couple of years. Progressed Mars is ALSO ALREADY creating the same grand trine for at least 2 years! Grand trines are considered storehouses of potential, but the individual has to CHOOSE to use the potential. This grand trine interacts with his natal Saturn to form a KITE, which, as the name implies, has the ability to HARNESS the vast energy latent in potential, and fly!

The next most significant transit involves his natal Chiron which always aspects Jupiter EXACTLY, and closely aspects Mars and Neptune. On election day we find planets setting off all of these. First comes lucky Jupiter EXACTLY conjunct his Chiron, and thus EXACTLY aspecting natal Jupiter, while very closely aspecting Mars and Neptune. Progressed Sun is EXACTLY conjunct natal Mars (once in a lifetime!) and triggered by transiting Sun. The reason this is important is energy. After the last presidential run he sometimes looked so very tired. This time, he will have a lot more help, and will finish with plenty of energy.

Will he run? Who knows. Will he win? No. Will he make a difference? Always.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Astrology of Ron Paul: CPAC win

Click on chart for larger version.
WOW! What was a surprise! 
Ron Paul just won the straw poll at the prestigious CPAC annual meeting in Washington DC. The headlines said he won 31%, easily beating Mit Romney  previous winner 3 years in a row (22%) and  Sarah Palin (7%). So of course I wanted to take a look.
No ones knows the time of birth for Ron Paul, so we don't know the exact degree, but the Moon is 14 to 26 Taurus. And this unexpected win happened while Moon was in Taurus.

Today the strongest aspects are transiting Neptune and Chiron EXACTLY opposition his Sun. YOU, Sun in Leo,  you who have spoken such brave words to power, have been chosen to represent a chunk of the idealistic mass craving healing of this broken system.  
He also has transiting Jupiter (good fortune) EXACTLY conjunct his natal Saturn (hard work) which is always EXACTLY opposition Mercury (how we think and communicate).  This exact opposition is helped out by aspects from Uranus at 5 Taurus in his natal chart. Unique, independent, marches to a different drum: add a little Jupiter, and wa la, he becomes a trendsetter. His life long attempts to communicate his core values have won him great honor today.

Astrology of Tiger Woods Apology

Click on chart for larger view
OK, let's take a look, shall we? Tiger is a Capricorn, with Mercury also in Capricorn. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, and here we see his Saturn is 1 Leo. At the time of the crash his Saturn was closely aspected by transiting Saturn (helpful sextile) and Pluto (inharmonious inconjunct). At the TIME of the crash (time is a keyword for Saturn) transiting Saturn was in his first house (how he is seen) and conjunct to the transiting Ascendant (super noticible). And the transiting Sun and Moon formed a VERY BRIEF grand trine with his Saturn. So Saturn, his ruling planet, representing responsibility, stature, maturity, pride in work well done, was having a lot of POSITIVE aspects from all but Pluto. At the time of the crash. Hmmm.
At the TIME of the apology, transiting Saturn and Pluto had barely moved. Mars is transiting directly on top of his Saturn, acting as a major itchy trigger finger, and the Sun is exactly inconjunct in Pisces, known for it's faith in the power of the mea culpa. The first thing I read said even if he was sincere in his apology,  his timing was off, trying to attract attention during a major tournament.
So much for Saturn. 

Tiger has 23 Virgo rising, and wow was that set off at the time of the crash by transiting Uranus EXACTLY opposite and Neptune EXACTLY inconjunct. "NOBODY is ever going to see me the same way again!" Venus acted as a trigger at the time of the crash. By the time of the apology Uranus and Neptune had moved on, changed houses, no longer aspecting the ascendant. But they both moved into aspect with his Mercury (how we think and communicate). The swiftly moving Ascendant was exactly trine natal ascendant, and creating a grand trine with his natal Mercury. Helping make communication a little easier is one way of looking at it. Slow and sure wins the race.

Notice that the crash has Libra rising ruled by Venus, and Venus was in Scorpio, almost conjunct his own Venus. WHOOOHOO lets talk about SEX. Let's see the dirty photos, eh what? The apology has Taurus rising, also ruled by Venus, and this time Venus is in Pisces. Compassion, empathy, "let he who has not sinned cast the first stone".

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The astrology of Amy Bishop: Two shootings compared

Click on chart for better view

Thought you all might want to take a look for yourself at some of the charts of this bizzaro episode.
I'm still uncomfortable with the accuracy of a date of birth for Amy. Some are saying 4/24/65. She graduated high school in 1983, so that makes sense. But the police listed her as 19 years old at the time of her brother's shooting in 1986. Current police show Feb 4, 1968, meaning she graduated high school at 15. ?? I will wait and see about her DOB.
Here we have 2 dates we know for sure. The inner circle is for December 6, 1986 at 2:22 PM when the police were called to the family home where she shot her brother Seth. The outer ring is for the more recent shooting of the faculty in Alabama.

When Amy was loaded into a police car in Alabama, the TV camera showed her saying "It didn't happen. There's no way. They are still alive." OMG! Has she convinced herself that since the first one was ruled accidental, she can get away with murder? No one knows what really happened the day she shot her brother. Did she fight with her father, or was it with her brother? Where was the shotgun, and how did she get her hands on it? Was this really an accident, or an act of extreme anger? Was the gun aimed at her brother, or was she just randomly shooting in anger? Whatever happened, the story becomes "accidental". How many people KILL their own brother?? Surely she relives it every day of her life. Who would continue to live on that property, as she did, and raise her children for more than a decade in the shadow of her own horror story? What does it do to a person's mind to know they killed their own brother, and to daily walk in and out of the space where it happened?

The first thing I saw when I compared the two shootings: Moon in Aquarius in both of them. Aquarius has a unique ability to dissociate. Is that what happened, perhaps both times? The first shooting the Moon was at 25 Aquarius, the second time Neptune, Chiron and the Sun are all conjunct at 25-26 Aquarius! And the Moon just hours from new at the same degree! 

Second thing I noticed - Pluto of the second shooting conjunct Neptune of the first, triggered by Mercury, Venus, Mars AND Saturn at the same degree.

Third, Venus/Jupiter of the 2nd shooting conjunct Mars of the first. 

OH, and the first shooting has Taurus rising, ruled by Venus, with Venus EXACTLY conjunct Pluto in Scorpio. EXACTLY trine Mars. Love, anger, violence, blood, death, family tragedy. Mystery upon mystery. What a story.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Astrology of Alexander McQueen

Click on chart for larger view

"I heard the news today, oh boy." Top fashion designer dies, apparent suicide. Over the top designer, unorthodox, unique, youngest ever, L'Enfant terrible, daring, edgy, fearless. As I read the articles about him, what did I expect to find in his chart? Uranus, surely strong and well aspected. Here we see his Uranus EXACTLY conjunct Jupiter in Libra and both EXACTLY opposition Chiron. Transiting Saturn is sitting right on top of that Uranus/Jupiter, and transiting Pluto squares it all. DO SOMETHING, they both insist in a chart full of action. The past 2 days the Moon in Capricorn triggered this massive cardinal T square. His mother died 10 days ago, and co-workers report he has been in bed ever since, dreading her funeral tomorrow. No time of birth was found, his Moon (representing here the Mother) was somewhere between 27 Aquarius and 9 Pisces. 

Transiting Uranus also played a part, EXACTLY conjunct his Sun which is always EXACTLY opposition Pluto. There are many other transits showing up right now. For example, transiting Jupiter is EXACTLY conjunct his Mercury. And even Mercury, finally exiting morose Capricorn, entering Aquarius, was at the EXACT degree of his Jupiter yesterday, making a nice easy trine. Doesn't Jupiter offer hope, peace, joy? Sun always opposition Pluto, Death is always waiting in the wings, the eternal unbidden friend. His Saturn is conjunct Venus, a pairing that all too often tells the story "nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I'm gonna eat some worms". Combined with Sun and Mercury in Pisces, was he chronically depressed? Did Jupiter in Pisces offer him the hope of no pain, the peace of no suffering, joy at last in the arms of his always faithful friend, Death?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More astrology of the Matchmaker Patti Stanger

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Some things make blogging a lot more fun. Of course I am a big fan of AstroDispatch, read it every day. Yesterday there was a post by Satori via about Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger saying she is an astrologer. Coolio. Then a follow up comment by Shakti offered the gem from her book that gave us the info we craved: "Me, a double Gemini with Moon in Sag". Sun in Gemini and Gemini rising. So she was born between 5 and 7 AM. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who wanted to see how that played out. Here are the 2 extremes, and both look quite possible, we will have to await further word to know the exact time. Meanwhile, place your bets! Do you think she has Sun in 1st, maybe conjunct the ascendant, with Jupiter conjunct the midheaven and Moon in the 8th? Or are you going with Mercury conjunct the Ascendant, Chiron conjunct the Midheaven, Pluto conjunct the Nadir and Moon conjunct the descendant, a planet on  all 4 angles? Are you noticing Venus? 11th or 12th? No matter whether she was born at 5 AM 6AM or almost 7 AM she has an astonishingly complex set of aspects. The Sun aspects Neptune EXACTLY, so she has her finger on the pulse of the public. Sun within 2 degrees trine Jupiter, great good luck. Mercury is her ruler times two, and it mediates the opposition of Chiron and Pluto. And the Moon forms a fire grand trine with Venus and Uranus, giving her that "I AM SURE" swagger. What fun! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Astrology of Temple Grandin

HBO offered a biography of Temple Grandin. I will have to wait to for Netflix, but I've already heard it was terrific. The movie is based on her autobiography, Thinking In Picture: and other reports from my life with autism. I read that book when it came out a few years ago, and was mesmerized. She is considered to have "high functioning autistism" or Asperger's Syndrome. She says she sees in pictures, and her memory is like a film she can run at any time to find details she missed. Asked to describe a fence, she says she is unable to conceptualize a generic fence, and instead pulls up every fence she has ever seen into her memory and chooses one to describe! She single handedly changed the way livestock animals are housed and treated, designing the most amazing systems which significantly reduced costs because the animals are secure and unafraid. Turns out fear and stress is not only inhumane, it affects the bottom line because spooked animals injure themselves. She says she thinks more like an animal than like other people. She has since written several other books, and is much sought after for her lectures.
So, what do we see in her chart?
Sun conjunct Venus and Mercury in Virgo. So attention to detail. Healer. Technician. All 3 make exact sextile (the helpful aspect) to Chiron. Chiron as wounded healer works well here. Ostracized and humiliated as a girl, she none the less has been able to use her extraordinary mind to help ease the pain of other creatures. Chiron as maverick also applies: she sure isn't interested in belonging to any group, and had to win approval for her ideas based solely on them working, not her social skills, or group connections. The Moon is always problematic when you don't know the time because it travels 12 degrees in a day. But in this case the Moon is in Aquarius and opposition Pluto Saturn no matter what time she was born. Ain't nobody gonna push this woman around, no siree bob. Obstinate, opinionated, determined. And I noticed that her progressed Sun is at 6 Scorpio, conjunct her Chiron and aspecting her ruling planet Mercury this year. Progressed Mercury and progressed Venus are both conjunct her Jupiter this year, too! You think that has anything to do with a movie of her life with her name in the title?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Project Runway astrology: Nina Garcia

She has held major positions at important fashion magazines, written 2 well received books, and of course is one of 3 judges for Project Runway. 
Ok, Nina, what does you chart show us? Well, Sun conjunct Venus in Taurus is a good start for interest in the arts. Not very close, 5 degrees apart. But my goodness, look at all the aspects! Sun/Venus opposition Neptune offers insight into current trends. Sun/Venus aspecting Mars/Uranus/Pluto brings stamina, determination and flair. In Virgo it reveals the critical eye that makes contestants cringe. The fact that the aspect is a trine makes it EASY for her to be so critical. Sun/Venus is sextile Saturn/Chiron. Saturn gives her endurance, not sure what Chiron contributes. Although I just heard the term MAVERICK applied to Chiron by Jay Jawer at StarIQ, and that really seems to fit. She seems to feel destined to be a maverick, or maybe with Pluto also involved, compelled is a better choice of words. And Mercury in Aries is surely a sharp tongue, especially true here because it is midway between all important Venus and Saturn. We don't know the time she was born, so this is a natural chart, and I also took out the Moon because it muddied up the aspects. But she does have Moon in Gemin, between 6 and 18 degrees. Need for constant variety, square and possibly exactly square, at least one of those Virgo planets. This is not the chart of a warm fuzzy person. Nina seems cold and not interested in the contestants as people. Of course, that's the public side. She is a wife and mother, and  Sun/Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn is almost sure to get a lot of pleasure and satisfaction out of that part of her life.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Astrology of James Arthur Ray, spiritual leader arrested for manslaughter

click on chart for larger clearer view                                                October 8, 2009 a group of Spiritual Warriors entered a sweat lodge. A couple of hours of intense heat and no air left 2 people dead, and a 3rd died a week later. Yesterday he was charged with manslaughter. What in the world happened? The leader is a man named James Arthur Ray, author of numerous books, appeared on Oprah, has led this kind of thing for years. This group had an extreme wilderness experience, including sleeping in the desert and fasting for 36 hours. They returned to the main lodge, were served a breakfast buffet, and then at 3 PM 50+ people entered a plastic covered "sweat lodge". OK, let's stop right there. I don't know much about this sort of thing, but a fast (including no or very little water) followed by a big meal followed by an hours long sweat lodge?? 50+ people in the dark in extreme heat, while he waited outside?? What was he thinking? So I drew up the chart. I only know his date of birth, so this is a natural chart, and while he is a New Moon child, we don't know the exact degree of his Moon. The outer circle is for 5 PM, when he called a halt and the group pulled out two dying participants. 

So, he invited people to pay a ton of money ($9-$10,000) for a spiritual experience. He led people into a situation for which he did not have enough knowledge or training. He put them into a dangerous situation using a make believe version of a real sweat lodge (the real thing is made of BREATHABLE materials, not plastic tarps, and would never have 50 absolute beginners inside). And then he sat outside while people became not just uncomfortable, but ill unto death.

The first thing I noticed is his new Moon in Sag, and Mercury/Saturn conjunct in Sag.  Honesty, integrity and getting all the details right are what I would expect. Venus in Capricorn. Please explain to me how this translates into someone who didn't do his homework. He always has Sag Sun square Pluto in Virgo and transiting Pluto set that off exactly. Again, to me this would show a person who has great intensity AND integrity. How in the world could he have failed in his role as protector like this? I kept looking, cast the progressed chart for the day, not much to see, just pMars conjunct Saturn. Again highlighting responsibility. 

OK, here is something else. Progressed Jupiter changed signs just a couple of months before this tragedy, for the first time and only time in his life. It left Libra and entered Scorpio, and all year it is making an exact aspect to his Sun. So I began to focus on Jupiter in the natal chart, since it is the ruler of Sag. His natal Jupiter is 22 Libra. In the sky on that day were Chiron, Neptune, Uranus and Venus all at 22 or 23 degrees. Transiting Jupiter was trine transiting Sun that day. The Moon set it off, creating a transiting grand trine at that exact time. And all were within 1 degree of his Mercury, creating a kite formation. Could he have been in a trance, having an out of body experience, or just so deeply in meditation that he was actually unaware of the situation? Any other suggestions? Sure seems odd.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Astrology transits for President Obama

Just got the updated version of Kepler astrology, and I am lovin' it! I've had vs5 for EIGHT long years, darlin' and so you KNOW I'm loving vs7.
This is just one reason why. President Obama's transits for the month of February. These are ONE degree orbs, so you know he's feeling them. CLICK for a better view.
The deeper the color the closer it is to exact. The number tells us when it is exact. So the combination offers so much more to explore. At the top we see he has transiting Chiron semi-sextile (30 degrees) from Saturn, exact on February 4th. Running concurrent is transiting Chiron opposition Uranus. Of course we see in the natal chart that he always has Saturn aspecting Uranus, so transiting Chiron is setting off the natal aspects. Since they are uncomfortable, AND the transiting Chiron apsects are uncomfortable...he's got some 'splainin' to do, as Ricky Ricardo would say! However, again looking at the natal chart, Saturn aspects Mars, so this is also the tail end of a longer transit, and he felt it more when Chiron was aspecting the inner planet Mars. Jupiter squared his Moon a couple of days ago, and is moving up to conjunct his Chiron on February 10th. That's all for now, back to playing with all these amazing tools! Bless you Cosmic Patterns for such a great program!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Astrology of Kurt Haskell and the Christmas bomber

Happy birthday Kurt! This is a chart for the courageous Kurt Haskell, and his transits for Christmas Day 2009. I don't have times for either one, so a natural chart. Click on it for a better view.
Kurt and his wife Lori were on the plane with the young Nigerian guy Mutallab, known as the Christmas bomber, or the underwear bomber. Kurt saw Mutallab with an Indian man Kurt calls the "sharp dressed man" at the airport gate in Amsterdam. Kurt heard the "sharp dressed man" requested Mutallab be allowed on the plane even though he didn't have a passport- and he is the one who convinced one of the best secured airports IN THE WORLD to let this young scared kid onto the airplane, without a passport but with a bomb. Kurt has given interviews, been  all over the internet.  My my my, NBCABCCBSCNN never told us that story. The US government did all it could to discredit his story.
Now, weeks later, the Detroit Free Press is the only newspaper reporting "U.S. federal agents and Dutch counter-terrorism officials are investigating whether a second man helped the Nigerian bombing suspect get on the flight to Detroit on Friday without a passport, as a man from Newport, Mich., said he saw before he boarded the flight."
Now, notice several things about this chart. Transiting Venus conjunct Venus and exactly square Pluto. So Kurt ALWAYS has Venus square Pluto, he is ALWAYS interested in a good mystery. Venus set it off. SWEET, Venus thought, a mystery! Transiting Mercury EXACTLY conjunct Mercury: he is ABSOLUTELY sure of what he saw, somehow all the details kept his attention. He is a lawyer, and with Mercury in Capricorn he knows how to pay attention, has been trained in asking and answering questions. Kurt has Mars conjunct Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius, he will not back down if he knows he is right. Honor, loyalty, honesty aren't just for boy scouts. And by God, he KNOWS he is right. He KNOWS what he saw, what he heard. A little subtle government pressure to recant pushed all his buttons and made him even MORE determined to speak up. All 3 of those upright Sag planets are trine Chiron in Aries. And Chiron in Kurts chart is making a T square with the major aspect of the day, Sun/Pluto square Saturn. God bless you Kurt, for believing that honor matters, standing up for what is right matters. Pluto square Saturn really does mean conspiracies might be real, and governments will do whatever it takes to maintain their power. If you don't know the story, please, read it and pass it on. They have an amazing account of all of the government shenanigans on their blog