To tell you the truth, I did not know who Mo'Nique was until just the past few months. Seems like everyone else knows exactly who she is! She got up on stage at a comedy club on a dare from her brother, landed numerous roles in TV sitcoms, has had rave reviews of her comedy specials, and now is winning awards for her intense dramatic evocation of Mary Jones in the movie Precious. She has her own late night talk show while raising preschool twins with her husband, whom she has known since age 14. I couldn't find her time of birth.
Mo'Nique is a Sag with Moon in Aries. Mercury and Venus aspect Jupiter, as we would expect in the chart of such an accomplished entertainer. Mercury and Venus both aspect Mars, highlighting the astonishing energy it takes to keep such a diverse career going while raising little children. Love of variety in her career is shown by all the mutable energy in her chart. People were astonished that a comedian could portray such an ugly character as Mary Jones, but maybe her Sun Pluto square showed her the way. She co-stared with Gaby, who played her abused daughter. I love how Gaby said Mo'Nique helped her so much by making her laugh after every take. They didn't stay in character, they escaped into humor every chance they had. Mo'Nique also specializes in showing that you don't have to be skinny to make it in this world. You go girl!
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