Saturday, August 20, 2011

Paul Ryan and outer transits for 2011

Click to see animation
Time unknown, chart cast for noon

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ron Paul August 13 Iowa Straw Poll

Click to enlarge

We know Ron Paul was born August 20 but we don't know the time, so this chart is cast for Noon.
He is Leo with Moon in Taurus. The Moon was between 14 and 26 degrees of Taurus that day, but without knowing the exact time we cannot know the exact degree.
His Sun and Mars are both really activated right now. The Sun has plenty of support from progressed Mercury and Venus  all year. Mars is very supported by the progressed Sun conjunction ALL YEAR.
This would indicate a wellspring of strength is at his disposal.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Animated August transits

Click to watch animation

Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ron Paul natal chart with modes

Time unknown. Chart cast for noon.

Ron Paul transits and progressions for July 27, 2011

Click on any graphic for larger version

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Show Me the Gold!

Click on any chart for better view
I saw this post
"Just a heads up that Ron Paul is holding a Domestic Monetary Policy hearing this Thursday June 23rd at 2:00 pm eastern on his Gold Reserve Transparency Act of 2011 (HR 1495). Witnesses to include the Inspector General of the Treasury and a high level bureaucrat at the GAO.  The official link is here. Here's the text of the bill. And here is the live webcast link."
 And thought I would take a look at the charts.
Saturn rising
Moon conjunct Uranus and both are square to Pluto AND the Sun.
So today of all days, the transiting Sun just happens to be setting off the natal Sun Pluto opposition in the chart of the Federal Reserve. Imagine that!

And here we see the squeeze play Ron Paul is putting on the Federal Reserve. It might be quite a show!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bradley Manning is moving

Happy Jupiter return, Bradley!
Progressed Sun has helped, shining a spotlight on you while it is spending the year aspecting your Jupiter.
Click for clearer view

Friday, March 25, 2011

Aspects revealed: Ben Bernanke's astrology chart

Time Unknown, so Moon  was 15 -27 degrees of Pisces

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Progressed Mars breaks free

When the arrow is released, 
it is SLOW until it gets completely past the bow. 
THEN it speeds up.That's what will happen with our Taurus here. 
Changes will happen much more rapidly now, he will feel free to use his own power.

Astrology transits for March 22, 2011