Monday, April 19, 2010

Waco, Oklahoma City and Timothy McVeigh's Astrology

Click on chart for clearer view

The first thing I noticed was Mars in Aries rising when Waco was attacked, with the Leo Moon exactly trine.
Mercury at 17 Aries didn't seem as significant, but Timothy McVeigh had Saturn conjunct Venus (his ruling planet) and his North Node all at 17-18 Aries conjunct that Mercury.  Venus conjunct Saturn represents the serious responsible side of love. Waco spoke to him. As a serious lover of America, a soldier who believed in honoring his commitments, he accepted the responsibility to make sure the voices of Waco would be remembered. Not with wreaths or poetry, but with action. A psychiatrist who interviewed Timothy was asked "Is he crazy?" "No," came the reply "he's SERIOUS."

Transiting Saturn 20 Pisces was exactly opposition Chiron 20 Virgo, and they were exactly on top of his natal Saturn opposition Pluto when he set off the bombs in Oklahoma City.  His natal Mars 19 Taurus was the 'helper', trine and sextile all of the above. 
Transiting Mars helped too, trine that Venus/Saturn/N Node.

I can't help but wonder - if he had found a serious sensitive woman who loved him, could that natal Saturn Pluto Mars have resulted in a deep intense love affair instead of violence?

I can almost hear him reply "But then, would ANYONE have remembered Waco and the great atrocity committed by the US government?"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pope Benedict in the line of fire

Click on chart for better view
StarIQ's Jeff Jawer has a terrific article about the trials and tribulations of Pope Benedict. Looks like he wrote it before the graffiti vandalism at the Popes birthplace, which happened today with the new Moon in Aries. See Jeff's article here:

Thought you would like to see the chart, too.
Transiting Uranus 28 Pisces is EXACTLY conjunct his Mercury while transiting Saturn has moved back into opposition. All of these EXACTLY square his Mars 29 Gemini.
And he is having his Jupiter return EXACTLY conjunct his Ascendant.
Once again, I think EXACT is much much stronger than just "close".

Jupiter rules Pisces, so strong in it's own sign. Pisces rising, so Jupiter is ruler of the ascendant, AND conjunct the ascendant.  A peaceful spiritual teacher if that was all. But his first house is FULL of energy. Mercury in Pisces conjunct radical Uranus in Aries, then the Aries Sun and Chiron in Taurus. THREE signs represented! WOW!

When Jupiter and Uranus jJjJjump into Aries this June they will conjunct his Uranus and hang out there all summer. It's difficult to follow a really strong act, and Pope John Paul was revered by millions for 26 years. Will Benedict be able to guide the changes that are required, or will they overwhelm him? Will the compassion and empathy of Pisces be at the forefront, or will he look cold, rigid and uncaring? Time will tell.

Project Runway astrology: Anthony Williams

Oh Anthony, we are SO glad you returned like Chris March! It was great to see you turn it around and win as soon as you returned.

"Miss Thing has a big old butt!" "Did my rollers fall out of my hair?" "I thought I would disintegrate standing here, so thank you, I survived your words!" "I left my feelings in Atlanta Georgia."
Who in the world would have thought Anthony would have Mercury in Aries EXACTLY opposition Jupiter? LOL
In one episode the other contestants challenged him to be quiet, then timed him and he went almost FIFTEEN minutes without speaking! Here is a video of some of his funniest moments Anthony Williams video

His Moon in Gemini would also account for his very versatile vocalizing. ;>) Of course I'm using a noon chart, so we don't know the exact degree. We do know it's in the 20s, so opposition Neptune.

Aries Sun EXACTLY conjunct Mars AND Venus.  Like I always say, EXACT is WAY stronger than "close". Mars conjunct the Sun has the strength and energy to get whatever he desires, and Venus makes his desires more beautiful. Wish I could work so hard, be able to think so creatively, while deprived of sleep for weeks at a time. Actually, I would have cried to go home the 3rd day! We love you Anthony, and we will sure miss you when the season ends.