Saturday, March 13, 2010

Aries, Taurus, Jupiter and Saturn in Libra

VIDEO Her first Saturn return

Anyone born
fall 1980 - fall 1983
has Saturn in Libra.
(except for a few weeks)
Anyone born
fall of 1980 - fall 1981
also has Jupiter in Libra.

Here our busy young Taurus has both in Libra.
Such an active chart, and now the pace really increased.
Saturn remains in Libra until the end of 2011.
We hope to get regular updates from our Taurus in the Field.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Venus and Saturn, Gemini and Virgo: Astrology Conversations

VIDEO The Gang: Venus conversations re:Saturn

We've been looking at one chart.
With A BIG Bunch of planets all at the same degrees.
11-16. A lot of different signs.
Where Jupiter is transiting right now, all month.
Jupiter is  racing from 11 to 17 Sag.

What is happening to our little group?
First, all is happening at once.
Too many things to sort out. Bedlam.

Now we are looking closer at individual group members.
This is a little sound bite, a little piece of the Venus Saturn Gemini Virgo puzzle.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Astrology progressions: how the gang handles long phases

VIDEO: Astrology progressions: how the gang handles long phases

Transits are great, use them all the time.
But more and more I love to check in on progressions.
In progressions your life span is 3 or 4 months, like an insect.
Changes are long, affecting the whole life span.
Click on any graphic for a clearer view

Here our little gang reacts to a few.

Around age 27 progressed Sun was hitting all the important numbers, setting off a long cross country trip full of soul searching.
Life goals made at that time lasted decades.

At age 51 progressed Venus and progressed Mars hit the critical numbers, while squaring each other, triggering sexual and relationship crises.The desire to maintain (fixed) was very strong, and overcame the impetus to break up.

Look at your own progressions over your life.
Looking at it as only 3 or 4 months, how do you rate yourself?
How have you absorbed the continuous new growth?
What's next?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Jupiter in PIsces meets up with the gang

VIDEO Jupiter in Pisces meets up with the gang

Yesterday we looked at Sun/Mercury square Mars. 
This month the whole gang is getting a visit from cheerful friendly Jupiter in Pisces.

We experience EVERY transit as a wave. WE WAVE BACK!
The energy surges in and out, waves form.
Sand moving, shifting.
We are energy beings, and we are moved.
The wave form is pretty much the same day in and day out.
and again
Quick passes like the Moon moving through each number in about 2 hours.
Long long endless passes like Pluto sitting at one spot, moving a degree this way, a degree that, with seemingly endless pauses, for 2 long years.
Jupiter is somewhere in between.
In this case, it moves 6 degrees in one month, really fast!
Gives us a chance to really experience our own inner wave.
Look at your chart to see what you have at the numbers 10 to 17.
Put them in number order, regardless of sign.
Now visualize Jupiter activating one at a time, in order, as it moves through the month.
I'm not saying the angle doesn't matter, or that the aspect doesn't matter.
But this is a way to heighten your experience of the wave action.
You are much more likely to 'know' this already if you have person planets (Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars) in the mix.
Not an event, but a predictable wave within you, known to you already like you know the beating of your own heart.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mercury square Mars, Cancer square Libra

The Sun has 3 main travel partners. Mercury, who uses 5 senses to interpret the vast amount of information available in each moment. Venus: she who chooses, be it gloves, a home or a lover.
 And Mars, clearing a path in order to best assist the Sun.
But what happens when they don't all get along?
What happens when Mercury and Mars fight all the time? Or when Mars inclinations don't seem to line up with the job duties?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Astrology transits for Wednesday March 3, 2010

Click on any chart for a clearer view
Mercury is finishing up the yod it created with Mars and Saturn, 
which the Moon lit up in Libra. If you have planets at 0-2 degrees,
you are probably still feeling it.                       
Venus is SO EXCITED to get to play with EXCITING oh my Uranus! Venus is very comfortable in Pisces, but Uranus doesn't really care for Pisces OR Venus, if you get my drift. If you have personal planets (Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars) at the numbers 24 25 26 27 28plenty is happening in your life, and Venus is adding a dallop of strong water to the mix. Moon enters Scorpio around dinner time here in Pismo. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Planets and their comfort zones

VIDEO Planets and their comfort

Dignified, detriment, fall?
How about just strong and comfortable or uncomfortable?
And isn't there an easier way to remember this helpful bit of info?
Yes there is.

The Sun is strong and comfortable in Aries and Leo.
Uncomfortable in the opposite,
Libra and Aquarius.

The Moon is strong and comfortable in Taurus and Cancer.
Uncomfortable in their opposites, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Mercury is strong and comfortable in  Gemini and Virgo.
Uncomfortable in the opposites, Sag and Pisces.

Ah, that's better, I love astrology!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Astrology keywords: a little bit of Aquarius

VIDEO Astrology keywords: a little bit of Aquarius

Just spent time with one of my best Aquarian friends.
Maybe that's why I wanted to make an itty bitty Aquarian video. 
Chiron and Neptune are in the last few degrees of Aquarius, maybe that's why. Aspects my sensitive Aries Moon.
Uranus, newby ruler of Aquarius, and Saturn, ancient ruler of Aquarius, are getting ready for a major standoff.  Surely the wrestling match in the sky will awaken the Aquarian in us all. To that end, a wee little video.